Sunday, July 3, 2016

Success and Failure

Being a good mother under adverse conditions means being gratified by little successes as well as the great ones and accepting a stream of failures.  Failure is only an impediment to greater success, and with persistence can often be overcome.  Persistence takes patience and perseverance and perpetually draws upon limited means.   Perseverance means searching, investigating and exploring any possible options so long as they maintain the best of our moral and ethical standards.  The world we live in has both opportunities and opportunists.  Trying to wrangle opportunity from the opportunists is challenging.  Many manage little more than their basic needs if that.  There is a growing number of these people.   We are not alone in this dilemma, it is becoming more and more of a pandemic.

We can withdraw from the global economy and try to reinstate the good old days of the 1950's or the idealism of the 1960's, but isolating ourselves from the troubles of the world will not necessarily keep them from our door.

The troubles may stem from a basic loss of confidence in part.

Confidence in the federal reserve for manipulations
Confidence in the federal government for incompetence
Confidence in Big Business for unethical behavior
Confidence in our legal system for making mistakes
Confidence in our medical system for being inadequate
Confidence in our religious institutions for hiding/protecting/facilitating immoral behavior
Confidence in our community for not seeing the problems or doing something about them
Confidence in ourselves for our own powerlessness

When people reach the breaking point it is the perfect opportunity for a motivational speaker...motivational speakers may want to empower the people or they want to empower themselves.  The former are true leaders and the latter are dangerous.  A true leader inspires success and the power hungry ultimately bring failure to the lives of others.

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